Barn fi O Duw a dadleu'n dỳn(n)

(SALM XLIII.1,2,3.)
Barn fi, O Duw, a dadleu'n dỳnn
  Yn erbyn pobloedd anwir:
Rhag y gwr twyllgar gwared fi
  A rhag drygioni'r dyhir.

Can's ti yw Duw fy nerth i gyd;
  Paham y'm bwrid ymaith?
A pha'm yr āf mor drwm a hyn,
  Gan bwys y gelyn diffaith?

Gyrr dy oleu, a moes dy wir,
  Ac felly t'wysir finnau;
Arweiniant fi i'th breswylf'ydd,
  I'th fynydd ac i'th demlau.
Gyrr dy oleu, a moes :: O Gyr dy oleu, moes

Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

[Mesur: MS 8787]

  O gyr dy oleu moes dy wir
  Tydi yw Duw fy nerth i gyd
  Ymddyrcha Dduw y nef uwchlaw

(PSALM 43:1-3.)
Judge me, O God, and argue tightly
  Against untrue peoples:
From the deceitful man deliver me
  And from the evil of the wicked.

Since thou art the God of all my strength;
  Why am I cast away?
And why do I go so heavy as this,
  With the weight of the wicked enemy?

Send thy light, and give thy truth,
  And thus to be led am I;
May they guide me to thy dwellings,
  To thy mountain and to thy temples.
Send thy light, and give :: O, send thy light, give

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

1 Just Judge of heav'n, against my foes
    do thou assert my injured right;
  O set me free, my God, from those
    that in deceit and wrong delight.

2 Since thou art still my only stay,
    why leav'st thou me in deep distress?
  Why go I mourning all the day
    whilst me insulting foes oppress?

3 Let me with light and truth be blest,
    be these my guides, and lead the way
  Till on thy holy hill I rest,
    and in thy sacred temple pray.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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